Based on interviews done at Georgia Tech, we are going to make a mobile web application for racquetball reservation system. Our web application will be designed with racquetball and squash players at the Georgia Tech Campus Recreation Center (CRC) in mind. The web application will provide a user-friendly interface that will list all outstanding reservations and allow users to create new reservations for courts that are available within the next forty-eight hours. The forty-eight hour rule is to keep inline with the current CRC rules for reservations. This system will use GTMob to authenticate the user so that we can assure that the user is either current student or alumni. We will also create a database that this app will use to read and write reservation data.
Shortcomings of current solutions
Currently the CRC uses a simple pen and paper approach when recording racquetball and squash reservations. If students wish to make a reservation for a court they must either call the CRC or travel across campus and check with the front desk if there are any vacancies. A major problem with this current reservation system is that your planned time may not be available. You must then contact the player(s) you are going to play with and schedule a new time, in which you can both play. You must also either be at the CRC or in a position where you can call in order to make the reservation. Another problem with the current solution is that anyone can call and make a reservation. People who are not students or alumni can call and make reservations, allowing them to circumvent the rules and make several reservations in a row.
We will be developing the frontend application using HTML, JQuery, and CSS. The database will be in MySQL. The backend will be coded using PHP. Moreover, we are going to use GTmob API to interact with GT related information such as GT authentication, GT directory, and student information.